Big Brother Season 22 September 15th Recap and Thoughts [Veto]

The first BB Basement powers is used and a veto comes into play. Pretty interesting night of Big Brother.

We all knew it was coming but David using the Disruptor power shakes up Dani’s game a bit. Dani decides to name Tyler as the replacement nominee. We know that Dani and Tyler have been at odds but her putting him on the block lets her alliance know that she is the first person to make a move against the alliance. It doesn’t matter that Tyler offered himself as a pawn because Dani is going around behind his back telling her alliance members that she is going after him. Well bad news for Dani because most of them don’t want him out of the house.

Next up we’ve got the veto. Alongside Kevin, Tyler and Dani, we see Da’Vonne, Enzo and Ian get their names pulled. After painstakingly stacking 15 microbrews, Da’Vonne pulls out the first win of her BB career. Da’Vonne has been working with Dani so obviously she won’t use the veto right? Wrong, Da’Vonne pulls down Kevin forcing Dani to name her fourth nominee. Dani calls Ian’s name and it looks like he’s about to be the first member of the jury.

Another week and it looks like another non-committee member is headed home.

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