It’s finally over! After tonight we never have to talk about this season ever again!
First off congrats to Cody, I’d say he was the most deserving of the win this year. He played a good game in all aspects of the competition and even though it was boring he always had himself positioned in the right spot. He never went on the block, won a ton of competitions and had a great social game. Hard to argue with anyone beating him in the final two.
Da’Vonne wins America’s favorite player. I honestly had no clue who was going to win this and was kind of hoping Janelle or Kaysar were going to pull out the win. That’s $25,000 for Da’Vonne to take home to her family.
Does anyone else think these prizes are a little bit stingy? $500,000 for the winner isn’t bad but $50,000 for 2nd and $25,000 for AFP seems pretty pathetic. Most of these people gave up 3 months of their lives and walk away with 5 minutes of fame (and a podcast?). For fill 3 months of primetime with three episodes a week, I’d like to see everyone walking away with a bit more cash in their pocket.
Alright that’s it for this season. Hopefully Season 23 is a little bit more interesting than this one was.