It’s finally over! After tonight we never have to talk about this season ever again!

First off congrats to Cody, I’d say he was the most deserving of the win this year. He played a good game in all aspects of the competition and even though it was boring he always had himself positioned in the right spot. He never went on the block, won a ton of competitions and had a great social game. Hard to argue with anyone beating him in the final two.

Da’Vonne wins America’s favorite player. I honestly had no clue who was going to win this and was kind of hoping Janelle or Kaysar were going to pull out the win. That’s $25,000 for Da’Vonne to take home to her family.

Does anyone else think these prizes are a little bit stingy? $500,000 for the winner isn’t bad but $50,000 for 2nd and $25,000 for AFP seems pretty pathetic. Most of these people gave up 3 months of their lives and walk away with 5 minutes of fame (and a podcast?). For fill 3 months of primetime with three episodes a week, I’d like to see everyone walking away with a bit more cash in their pocket.

Alright that’s it for this season. Hopefully Season 23 is a little bit more interesting than this one was.

Cody casts the sole vote to evict as we head into the final three. The season finale is on Wednesday so only a few days left before we crown a winner.

Christmas made a last ditch effort to sway Cody to take her to the final three but her pitch was just too little, too late. Cody sends Christmas packing to cement the final three of Cody, Enzo and Nicole.

No surprises here but one interesting thing is that Enzo should be guaranteed into the final two now. I just can’t see any reason Cody would take Nicole over Enzo and also no good reason why Nicole would choose Cody over Enzo. You gotta give yourself the best chance to win and I think that puts Enzo in a very nice position.

Bonus episode tomorrow night, most likely a season recap but we will have to see. Past that we have another episode on Monday and the two hour finale on Wednesday.

Tonight on Big Brother, Christmas cries. Well It’s almost the final week of the season so why not just toss in a filler episode, worst season ever.

I really don’t have much to say about tonight’s episode. Christmas cried a lot, we had a luxury competition that was worse than watching commercials, a montage of everyone saying they wanted to win the veto and then finally we got the veto. Weird episode overall.

So what was important from tonight? Well Cody wins veto to secure his spot in the final 3 and that’s about it. No gameplay talk, no strategy and onto tommorows eviction.

It’s time for the final four HOH, winner will secure their spot in the final three.

Really the only thing that matter tonight is the safety given to the HOH winner. The nominations don’t matter and the behind the scenes posturing doesn’t matter. Winner advances to the final three and then we wait on the POV to see who takes home the real power for the week.

The HOH competition was a strange one. We saw Cody doing everything in his power to eliminate Christmas, while Enzo just kind of hung out and took home the victory. As much as it was bad for Cody if Christmas to win, it was just as bad throwing away a chance at safety for the week. It’s just too late in the game to be making sacrifices and now Cody is in a rough position headed into the veto. Chances are good Enzo is going to throw the veto. And chances are also good that Christmas and Nicole would both take a shot at Cody if they win that veto. It’s going to be a very interesting veto on Wednesday!

Eviction night on Big Brother and for the first time this season I don’t know who’s going to go home.

It only took until the final 5 for an interesting eviction. I’m sure every season is like this right? Well I’m pretty impressed that anyone is still watching this season and honestly if I wasn’t doing these reviews, I probably would have checked out myself as well.

I think you could have made a solid argument to keep both players around tonight. Memphis is a threat to win the entire season but helps Cody and Enzo have a better chance at making it to final 3. Christmas could spoil Cody and Enzo making it to finale night but would be easier to beat on finale night. Ultimately Cody and Enzo decide to go for the win this season and keep Christmas in the game.

This is a weird week coming up. HOH doesn’t have much power but winning it does secure your spot in the final 3. The POV on the other hand is where the real power is because whoever wins it gets to be the lone vote that sends someone home. Our two comp winners will be safe and the POV winner will decide who that third person going into the final week will be.

Veto night, Memphis and Christmas will be fighting with their games on the line.

Well I definitely didn’t think we’d have a week where Nicole won both the HOH and POV but it’s season 22 and this is the most season 22 thing that could happen. I was shocked to see her win even one competition and now we are on the brink of Nicole closing out the season as a comp beast.

I think Nicole really missed an opportunity to take a big shot by not using the veto and going for a backdoor. I totally understand her reluctance to take a shot but I think the only way she has a chance to win is sitting beside Christmas. Letting her stay on the block and potentially go home could end any chance Nicole has at winning.

I honestly don’t know who is going to go home tomorrow so for the first time this season I’m actually looking forward to seeing the eviction results. Could the season finally go off script for the first time?

This episode felt almost entirely like filler which is very bizarre considering how close we are to the end of the season.

First off we had a very long HOH competition. That was about half the episode just to crown the next HOH. There was a bit of drama towards the end, which was interesting but, ultimately it would have been just as enjoyable to see a 30 second quiz, crown the HOH and move back into the game.

After Nicole was crowned as the HOH, we then had a very long drawn out scene of getting to see her HOH room. This was very strange for me since we haven’t seen this happen very much this season, I honestly can’t remember even one other time this season when we heard the HOH read their letter from home. Very bizarre to me that Nicole wins and suddenly we get a giant spotlight of her HOH. Obviously production loves her and if they could crown a winner I’m sure they would select her.

From here we saw a few quick game conversation and then boom we had Memphis and Christmas nominated and the episode was over. I’m starting to think that production is more to blame for this bad season than the contestants.

Oh well guess we now just have to wait until Wednesday where we will get to watch another 30 minute long competition.,..

It’s eviction night on Big Brother. Tyler and Christmas sit on the block and one of them is about to go to the jury house.

First off, the visit to the jury house felt very forced and unnecessary. It’s a bunch of clips of the houseguests being bad at acting and them rehashing a bunch of information that we already knew. I would much rather see more gameplay in the house than whatever that garbage was.

OK back to the actual game. I think we all knew Tyler was going home but I really don’t think that was the best play for Cody and Enzo. Christmas is in tight with Memphis and instead of keeping someone who could aid your game, you kept someone who is going to aid someone else. On top of that I think Christmas has a good shot at winning the HOH and Cody could be headed straight to the block.

Another HOH cliffhanger so we won’t find out who wins until next Monday, that feels so far away!

Time for the veto, last chance for Tyler and Christmas to save themselves.

Honestly not much happening this episode. We had the veto, Cody wins and doesn’t use it. And then the rest of the episode was spent watching Tyler and Christmas desperately try to save their games. Tyler really dug himself a hole trying to turn Enzo and Christmas didn’t do much better.

I’m predicting we see Tyler go home tomorrow night. It just doesn’t make sense for Enzo or Memphis to save him at this point and only two votes are needed to evict. His only avenue to staying in the game is to have Cody convince everyone that he wants Christmas out and since this is the season of making absolutely zero waves, maybe that’s enough to save Tyler.

Tonight we see the aftermath of the triple eviction and the new battle lines that are forming within the house. Don’t expect the unexpected.

It was interesting seeing the behind the scenes from the triple eviction and watch as Tyler and Christmas flushed any chance they had of winning right down the toilet. They got played by Enzo. Seeing everything, Enzo definitely did the best move for his game and pretty much guaranteed himself making the final four. As someone cheering for Tyler, it was painful to relive everything all over again.

Alright, HOH time. Aside from Christmas, anyone winning the HOH pretty much has no choice but to put up Christmas and Tyler. Sure enough Cody wins and plops the pair on the block. Expect the expected. Cody is in a very nice position right now and has a final two deal with three of the player that are going to be part of the top five.

I was disappointed to see Tyler and Christmas immediately throw each other under the bus once their backs were against the wall. Really it would have been very easy for them to say that Enzo said he was going to vote out Nicole, so they did too. At least get your lies straight instead of making it blatantly obvious that you got caught. Oh well I guess we get another two boring weeks as we wait for Tyler and Christmas to get evicted.

This has been a very frustrating season and at this point we just need to fast forward to the end.